The first conference on the Draft of the Air Protection Program in the Republic of Serbia with an Action Plan

The first conference on the Draft of the Air Protection Program in the Republic of Serbia with an Action Plan, which is currently being developed with the support of the European Union under the IPA 2014 Project "Development of a framework for harmonization with EU legislation in the field of air, chemicals and horizontal issues" will be held on April 16 2021, starting at 9:45 am on the Zoom link:

The Draft of the Air Protection Programme in the Republic of Serbia with an Action Plan will define air quality goals and measures for the achievement thereof, and it will provide the basis for further development and adoption of bylaws and continued implementation of European legislation and enactment of regulations in the area of air protection. 

The object of the First conference on the preparation of the Draft of the Air Protection Programme in the Republic of Serbia with an Action Plan is to present preliminary findings and projections, and it will include the following presentations:

WEM: with existing measures. This type of modelling includes all policies and measures already adopted;

WAM A (With Additional Measures A): this type of modelling refers to the full implementation of all relevant EU directives and regulations not yet fully transposed and implemented;

WAM B (With Additional Measures B): this is the intensive control type of modelling. In addition to WAM A, this type of modelling envisages the introduction, in some cases, of stringent emission limit value (ELV), as well as of Draft financial and fiscal policies and measures in key emission source categories;

WAM C (With Additional Measures C): this is a stricter control type of modelling. In addition to WAM B, this type of modelling envisages additional measures mainly including local specific measures (such as incentives, restrictions and bans) aiming to ensure compliance with concentration limit values as prescribed by the Directive 2008/50/EC regarding Suspended Particles PM10. Additional measures under the type of modelling C will be developed after having assessed the impact of types of modelling WAM A and B on air quality improvement, as well as the remaining identified “hot spots” and air quality issues, in order to include all identified additional measures in the third WAM C type of modelling.

Registration for participation in the conference, proposals and recommendations of participants, as well as additional questions are sent to email: Information can also be obtained by phone +381 64 658 2878.

The conference program is available here Agenda of the Conference

Last updated: March 26, 2025, 13:04