EU Solidarity mechanisms also available for Serbia

EU Civil Protection Mechanism 

When the COVID-19 crisis erupted in Europe, the EU has put in motion and set-up solidarity mechanisms for Europe to address the crisis together instead of individually. These mechanisms are also open for Serbia, and they include:

EU Civil Protection Mechanism Direct donations from EU member states (Slovenia, Ireland, Austria) have already arrived for transit centres (blankets, tents, beds, heaters, etc.) Through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, 40 Serbian citizens have been repatriated from all over the world (in more than 15 flights) This comes on top of consular repatriation organised in excellent coordination between the EU Member States and in Serbia. Over 2000 Serbian citizens have been repatriated by planes or bus organised by EU Member States. Serbia itself has greatly contributed to the efforts since it has not-only organised and funded repatriation of Serbian citizens to Serbia but also organised and funded repatriation of over 550 EU citizens back to their country of origin.

European Solidarity Fund

Serbia has been included in the European Solidarity Fund and is eligible to get additional assistance that will be shared between the most affected countries of the European Union along a precise methodology. This fund is there complement efforts of Serbia to cover part of the public expenditure used for providing assistance to population against covid-19 and/or for measures taken to prevent the spread.

rescEU stockpile

Serbia is covered by the rescEU stockpile of medical equipment, such as ventilators and protective masks to help EU countries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EU joint procurement agreement

Serbia has joined the EU joint procurement agreement for purchase of health equipment. This Procurement instrument is used for all EU member States to jointly negotiate better equipment and better prices and faster delivery with industry and ensure coordinated procurement of medical equipment and medicines, such as personal protective equipment, respiratory ventilators and other items necessary in the fight against coronavirus.

Green lanes

Serbia and Western Balkans have been included in the "Green lanes" mechanisms that the European Union has put in place to securing fast border crossing lanes on EU and Western Balkans internal and external borders for essential goods such as medicines and food. On 22 April, it was reported that on the first day under this regime, 1,912 trucks crossed Green Corridors in the Western Balkans. Out of which, 21% carried essential goods with priority passage.

For coordination and information sharing on health issues, Serbia is already observer to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and has been invited and participates in the meetings of the European Union Health Security Committee with all the EU Member States and relevant EU services.

Early Warning and Response System web-platform

Serbia is also invited to the Early Warning and Response System web-platform where discussions among EU public authorities on measures to control the pandemic are taking place

Serbia is also part of other crucial programme like Horizon 2020 which are currently Research and innovation for medicines, cure and vaccines against Covid-19.  

Last updated: March 5, 2025, 14:21