Moderna Arrived to Serbia

So far, several types of vaccines against COVID 19 have been available to the citizens of Serbia, and now that list is longer for another possibility – the “Moderna” vaccine.

So far, the European Union has donated more than 77 million euros to Serbia for the fight against the corona virus, and the total number will reach as much as 93 million. Serbia is also bilaterally assisted by member states, so a contingent of “Moderna” vaccines arrived from Poland, specifically – 200,400 doses.

The vaccines themselves were provided to Serbia by the Republic of Poland, while the EU Civil Protection Mechanism was in charge of transport costs.

The delivery of vaccines was welcomed today at the Torlak Institute by the Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimović, the Vice President of the Serbian Parliament Vladimir Orlić, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk and the Vice President of the Polish Parliament Małgorzata Gosiewska, as well as the EU Ambassador to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret.

Minister Joksimović said that this donation is a picture of sincere friendship between the two peoples. He adds that vaccination is the safest and most effective solution for the coronary virus pandemic, and called on citizens who have not done so yet – to be vaccinated.

“This is the first time that ‘Moderna’ is coming to Serbia, and that is an important factor for what we are trying to do – to improve vaccination in Serbia,” the minister noted.

Szynkowski vel Sęk says that the donation of vaccines is worth 4 million euros and that it is part of the support for Serbia.

“The corona virus pandemic has set unprecedented challenges for our peoples and the world. In these difficult times, international solidarity and mutual support are our basic obligation: both Serbia and Poland understand this very well. “In Poland and for Poles, the word ‘solidarity’ has a special meaning,” says Szynkowski vel Sęk.

Saving lives is a priority, said State Secretary at the Ministry of Health Mirsad Djerlek, and reminded that it is important to increase the percentage of immunization in the world to 60-70% in order to return to a normal lifestyle.

“These 200,000 Moderna vaccines will save many lives of Serbian citizens, which is of great importance. “Solidarity and equality are the two basic principles by which we will defeat the crown,” explains Djerlek.

Serbia, although only a candidate country for membership, is a full member of the Mechanism, since when it has benefited since 2014.

“Today we show that we continue supporting Serbia in improving its preparedness level and the readiness to respond to emergencies. It is the teamwork that builds a safer and resilient future and I would like to warmly thank again Poland for the bilateral donation to Serbia. I am also thanking particularly the staff at the Torlak Institute, the Batut Institute, the colleagues at the ministries and all medical workers in Serbia who are the real heroes of the pandemic”, Ambassador Giaufret said in regards to this event.

Dr. Nada Kuljić Kapulica said something more about this vaccine in an interview for N1. According to her, “Moderna” belongs to the group of modern vaccines for the production of which new technology is used, such as the one for the production of “Pfizer” vaccine.

“There are differences between these two vaccines. The Moderna vaccine is certainly a step into the future. It is based on informational ribonucleic acid (RNA) which, in the form of a nanoparticle, which is wrapped in a certain envelope, is inserted into our cell, which gives instructions for the production of one part of the virus on which protective antibodies are created, and that is the part of the virus that defends our body from infection. Modern vaccine belongs to that category of vaccine”, says Dr. Kuljić Kapulica.

Since the beginning of the corona virus pandemic, this is the 11th delivery of the Civil Protection Mechanism, with a total value of over 7.5 million euros. During the pandemic, Serbia became one of the largest beneficiaries of the Civil Protection Mechanism in Europe, but it also recently made its contribution, delivering medical equipment and medicines to Romania.


An extremely important instrument for the implementation of these types of assistance in the civil protection sector is the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM).

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism facilitates cooperation in emergency response, preparation and prevention between Member States, as well as several other European countries. Serbia became a member of the Mechanism in 2015, but even before that, during the devastating floods in May 2014, Serbia felt the benefits of European solidarity through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. This operation has been one of the largest since the mechanism was established, and since its inception in 2001, the Mechanism has responded to over 330 requests for assistance inside and outside the EU.

Last updated: October 21, 2024, 13:15