To help contracting authorities and bidders better understand how to use the Dynamic purchasing system on the Public procurement portal, the Public procurement office organized…
Two THL microbiology experts are currently on a mission in Belgrade to
support their colleagues from Batut Institute in the implementation of the
whole genome…
November 2024, Budva, Montenegro - Europe
and Central Asia Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction UNDP Serbia team
presented the Study ‘10 years after…
November 26, 2024 - With the support of the European Union, rescuers from the
Mountain Rescue Service (MRRS) of Serbia, in collaboration with the…
8, 2024, Budva, Montenegro - The Government of Montenegro, in collaboration
with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and with the…
Pancevo, 21 November 2024 - To ensure that all parts of Serbia are adequately equipped to combat large fires while protecting human lives, property, and…
The Public Procurement Office hosted a two-day webinar "Contract award criteria – new legal solutions applicable since January 1, 2024", to guide clients and bidders…
Panel discussions on monitoring
the new Law on Personal Data Protection took place in Kruševac and Kragujevac
on November 18 and 19, 2024. Attended by…
Infectious disease
surveillance and outbreak investigation are critical components of global
health security, requiring accurate, timely, and comprehensive data to track
disease spread, understand transmission…
The European Union is helping Serbia improve its
ability to respond to public health emergencies. A successful response requires
teamwork across different sectors, trained professionals,…
Members of the
War Crimes Investigation Service of the Ministry of Interior have succesfully
completed a specialized, two-day training course focused on the interrogation