"The European Union supports the improvement of the economic and public infrastructure in local self-governments through the EU PRO programme, as this creates a favourable…
Quality programs of preschool education contribute to the development of all the potentials of the child and have an important impact on the later social…
The Project
has provided professional support in drawing up a Bylaw on the omission and
replacement (anonymization and use of pseudonyms) of data in the…
the Project's initiative, the Ministry of Justice established a Working Group
for Development of the Human Resource Strategy, consisting of representatives
of the Ministry,…
he inaugural conference of the project "EU for better environment - Development of a framework for harmonization with EU legislation in the field of air,…
With the support of the Ministry of Justice, the Project organised another workshop for civil servants, aiming at acquiring the
necessary knowledge on the incorporation…
The Project prepared and organised a Mini HR Academy, which
encompassed a series of trainings for 40 members of the Office employees.The Mini HR Academy…
The European Union (EU) through EU PRO development programme will support 22 new civil society organisations (CSO) projects aimed at fostering social cohesion in multi-ethnic…
The European Union (EU), trough EU PRO development Programme, will support realisation of 19 projects, selected through the public call, worth over two million Euros…
With the support of the Project, the Ministry of Justice organized,
on 15-16 April 2019, a two-day training event for its staff, aimed at