Artists painting a portable mural for Novi Sad

In this year's European Capital of Culture Novi Sad, creative works are underway to paint a portable mural set to be revealed to the public on Europe Day on 9th May. Eight young artists are working on the project, selected by the expert jury for the Paint Me the Future of Europe initiative.The group of young authors from Serbia, Italy, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, and Albania is led by architect and street artist Andrej the Pianist Josifovski. Now they all have a common objective — to present their vision of a better, more humane, and healthier European future.

These representatives of different cultures, traditions, opinions, and artistic persuasion all agree on one thing: the future of Europe lies in solidarity, tradition, diversity, mutual understanding, and respect for nature and all living beings. Their works, presented through Paint Me the Future of Europe, speak the universal language of Europe’s rich humanistic tradition, in an original, ethical, and artistically relevant way, which is why we can be certain that their project will uphold the same principles. In all likelihood, the upcoming mural, which is being painted on a portable panel, will bring about a strong, inspiring projection of European nations’ shared future.

Paint Me the Future of Europe — sponsored by the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia in partnership with New Moment New Ideas and the Novi Sad City Council for Culture — is part of a series of performances that will present this year's European Capital of Culture in a socially engaged way.

Last updated: March 12, 2025, 11:32