Successful implementation of the piloting staff engagement survey: Setting the stage for a nationwide rollout in Serbian state administration

In June 2024, the project successfully implemented piloting of the Staff engagement survey among the employees of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-government, the Human Resource Management Service, and the National Academy of Public Administration. More than 100 employees of these institutions participated in this pilot survey, which was seen a preparatory step for more extensive survey in Autumn 2024 assessing the current level of employee engagement and gathering insights into how Human Resource Management practices in Serbia's public administration can be improved.

The survey featured a questionnaire covering a range of topics, from employee satisfaction and career development opportunities to willingness of employees to recommend their organization as a desirable employer, perceptions of management effectiveness and work-life balance.  

The primary outcome of this pilot survey is the expressed intention by the main project beneficiary institutions (the MPALSG and the HRMS) to use this tool as one of the main sources for periodic data collection to enhance future reporting on HRM in the civil service. It is expected that findings gathered based on survey will guide the development of HRM policy aimed at boosting employee engagement and productivity, thereby improving the efficiency of public administration in Serbia.
"In my experience across various EU member states, effective HRM in the civil service creates critical preconditions to sustainable building of public administration capacities and as a consequence better quality of governance and public serves.

This survey, in turn, is a strong tool for understanding the current state of employees’ level of enthusiasm, emotional commitment to the organization and its goals and allows to find the right direction for policy improvement. The proactive approach taken by the Survey participating institutions in utilizing these innovative tools, demonstrates their determination to continue implementing modern practices in the Serbian civil service", said Mr. Edvardas Zukauskas, Project Team Leader.
Building on the success of the pilot and the valuable feedback gathered, the survey is set to expand in October 2024, reaching staff across state administration institutions in Serbia.
This activity is part of the broader process of public administration reform, which the EU has been continuously financing since its inception, among other things, with the aim of modernizing human resource management processes in Serbian public administration.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09