Publishing Date:February 9, 2023 End Date:February 23, 2023

Mobility of individuals in adult education

Erasmus+ is the largest European educational programme that deals with the financing of mobility and cooperation projects in the field of education, training, youth and sports. It was created in 2014, and in 2021 it entered a new seven-year implementation period that will last until 2027.

The projected budget for this seven-year period of the new Erasmus+ programme is larger than ever and amounts to 26 billion euros.

The European Commission has announced a new Erasmus+ General Call for Proposals for 2023, which describes in detail all types of projects and deadlines for all individual components of the programme.

The status of the Republic of Serbia as a third country associated to the Programme will continue in the new Call, which means that institutions and organisations will have the opportunity to fully participate in all parts of the Erasmus+ programme as coordinators or partners. More details on the rules and opportunities for participation can be found in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for 2023.

The Foundation Tempus provides continuous support to all those interested in submitting projects under the Erasmus+ program. As part of the support, the Foundation organizes free workshops for writing Erasmus+ projects every year and the exact dates and registration forms will be announced soon.

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Erasmus Plus
Last updated: February 20, 2025, 12:01