Land, oceans and water for climate action
In accordance with the European Green Deal and, in
particular, the objectives of the European Climate Law, the EU strategies for
adaptation and mitigation of climate change, the EU Biodiversity Strategy until
2030, the proposal for the EU Nature Restoration Law, the Marine Strategy
Framework Directive (MSFD), Birds and Habitats Directive, Regulation (EU) on
the Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems on the High Seas from the
Harmful Impacts of Bottom Fishing Gear, successful proposals should advance
European efforts to achieve climate neutrality by maintaining and increasing
natural carbon sinks and stocks in marine and polar ecosystems , while
conserving and enhancing their biodiversity, including discovering the
potential of nature-based solutions, where adaptation to climate change is also
nurtured for increased resilience.
Achieving sustainable ocean, water and soil management and efficient use of natural resources to mitigate climate change involves finding the right balance between productivity, climate, biodiversity and environmental goals in the agriculture and forestry sector, with a long-term perspective.