Publishing Date:July 3, 2019 End Date:June 19, 2020

H2020 FOCUS AREA "Connecting economic and environmental gains – the Circular Economy"

Under Horizon 2020 specific objectives of this focus area are: to support the Commission’s ambitious Circular Economy package that makes both environmental and business sense - there is less waste and growth no longer requires an increasing extraction and consumption of resources, energy, water and primary raw materials. The focus area will prioritise sustainable production and consumption, addressing also the important problem of plastics, as well as initiatives for a cleaner environment.

Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018 - 2020

Deadlines depend on the topic. Please check specific topics and deadlines on the link below.

To apply for Calls under this focus area, please use this link 

Last updated: February 20, 2025, 12:01