Publishing Date:June 2, 2020 End Date:July 15, 2020

H2020 Pilot Project "Inclusive web accessibility for persons with cognitive disabilities"

Under Horizon 2020 general objectives of this programme are: to promote health, prevent diseases and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles; protect citizens from serious cross-border health threats; contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems and safer healthcare for citizens.

Specific objectives: to foster the development of tools supporting independent and inclusive access to online content and services, including consumer transactions, for persons with cognitive disabilities. Such tools will benefit all users, including vulnerable citizens affected e.g. by information overload, excessive credulity, psychosocial disabilities or old age. Pilot Projects may also propose the simplification or adaptation of web-authoring tools that persons with cognitive disabilities could use to create online content (content creation).

Indicative activities: Research and development of solutions: drawing on Artificial Intelligence or other novel technologies to automatize the adaptation, personalisation and multi-modal delivery of content of websites and mobile applications for persons with cognitive disabilities; simplification or adaptation of authoring tools that persons with cognitive disabilities could use to create content for websites and mobile applications.

Priority will be given to proposals involving persons with cognitive disabilities.

Reference: PPPA-COGN-2020      Maximum indicative amount per project: EUR 100,000.

To apply for this Call for Proposals, please use this link

Last updated: February 20, 2025, 12:01