Publishing Date:April 30, 2020 End Date:July 15, 2020

Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations

Within EaSI - Programme for Employment and Social Innovation the general objective of this Call: to improve expertise and knowledge on industrial relations through analysis and research on EU-level and in comparative terms (Candidate Countries) to contribute to the quality of industrial relations in Europe.

Specific objectives: to address the role and contribution of industrial relations, including social dialogue at different levels; and functioning and effects of collective bargaining across different levels and territories in ensuring fair minimum wages for all workers in Europe.

Indicative activities: Analysis on topics/key findings; Research activities on industrial relations and social dialogue; Promote awareness of effective industrial relations practices at both national and European level; Networks between academia, social partners and policy makers; Publications, round tables, training tools, etc.

Reference: VP/2020/004       Maximum indicative amount per project: EUR 500,000.

Measures funded under this Call should guarantee access for people with disabilities and put adequate attention to gender equality.

To apply for this Call for Proposals, please use this link

Last updated: February 20, 2025, 12:01