Publishing Date:April 22, 2020 End Date:May 22, 2020

TENDER PROCEDURE FOR Promotion of Niš Fortress with modern technologies UNDER IPA CBC PROJECT ”Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Niš”

The following announcement contains information about the tender procedure planned by the Citizens' Association "Institute for Progress and Collaboration of the Western Balkans Regions" under the “Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Niš”project. Citizens' Association "Institute for Progress and Collaboration of the Western Balkans Regions" implements the project financed under IPA CBC Program Serbia – Bulgaria 2014-2020.

Promoting of the Nis Fortress is obligatory part of the project. The best way this to be done is with help of modern and state of the art technologies. In order the Mausoleum to be presented in the best way a 3D model will be created for the purpose of visualization, conservation and tourists advertising.

To apply for tender procedure, please download Tender dossier

Last updated: February 20, 2025, 12:01