EU for Development of Statistics in Serbia
Publishing Date:September 17, 2019 End Date:September 22, 2019

Repeated public call for applications of candidates for health care professionals in the Health Survey of the Population of Serbia 2019

Due to the insufficient number of applied candidates for health care professionals in the Health Survey of the Population of Serbia 2019 in certain cities / municipalities, the public call for candidates for health care professionals will be repeated on September 17th, 2019, based on the decision of the Research Team of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia and Institute of Public Health of Serbia (IOPHOS) as of September 16th 2019. The cities / municipalities in which there is a lack of health care professionals for the fieldwork in the Health Survey of the population of Serbia 2019 are: Belgrade (5 health care professionals missing), Backa Topola (1 health care professional missing), Krusevac (1 health care professional missing), Novi Sad (1 health care professional missing) and Smederevo (1 health care professional missing) - a total of 9 health care professionals.

In accordance with the repeated public call, citizens who wish to participate in the Health Survey of the Population of Serbia, as health care professionals, are invited to register in the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia in the period from September 17th to 22nd, 2019.

Interested candidates can apply exclusively by filling in the electronic application - here.

In addition to the application for the public invitation, the candidate is obliged to personally sign and scan the Statement on providing accurate data - here, which should be sent by e-mail to the address

Candidates for whom, upon inspection of the requested document, it is established that they do not meet the general conditions defined by the public call, will be excluded from the further procedure, and candidates for whom it is determined that they submitted the incorrect data, will be re-scored.

In case the candidates achieve the same number of points per application, the candidates with higher number of points obtained in the interview will have the advantage. 

If the candidates have submitted an application under the first Public call for candidates for field supervisors, interviewers and health care professionals in the Health Survey of Serbia 2019 (published on September 2nd, 2019), they are not obliged to submit documents to prove the fulfilment of the general request after the repeated public call.

The tasks of the interviewers and health care professionals, as well as the procedure for their selection can be seen – here

General conditions that the candidate must meet:

a citizen of the Republic of Serbia;

adult/ mature and able to work;

acquired at least a four-year secondary education;

unemployed (in the period from October 1st to December 30th, 2019) or a beneficiary of old-age pension; *

that (in the period from October 1st to December 30th, 2019) he/ she is not employed on the basis of a contract on performing temporary and occasional jobs, a contract on professional training and specialization;

that he/ she has not been convicted - proven by a certificate issued by the Ministry of the Interior (not older than 6 months)

that no criminal proceedings have been initiated against him/her and that no investigation has been initiated - proven by a certificate issued by the basic courts (not older than 6 months)

Special conditions that a candidate for a health care professional must meet:

diploma of secondary / higher / high education in the field of health

The Agreement on temporary and occasional jobs is concluded with the selected candidates.

* Important note: The beneficiary of family pension with the status of the insured, by concluding a contract on temporary and occasional jobs may be suspended for the payment of family pension for the duration of the contract in accordance with Article 117 of the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance (“Official Gazette of RS” - No. 34/03, 64/04 - US, 84/04 - ST Law, 85/05, 101/05 - ST Law, 63/06 - US, 5/09, 107/09, 101/10, 93/12, 62/13, 108/13, 75/14, 142/14, 73/18).

The rank list of candidates (for health care professionals), with total number of points earned per application, as well as the list of candidates who are invited for the interview, will be published on September 23rd, 2019 on the Office's website.

Last updated: February 20, 2025, 12:01