Enhanced monitoring capacities of the MoJ and relevant Ch. 23 institutions, as well as MoJ capacities for implementation of Ch. 23 reform activities


As judiciary reforms are important for the overall development of the country, continuous support is required for improving the quality, accountability, professionalism and efficiency of relevant institutions. 
The institutional structure related to negotiations for Chapter 23 includes the Negotiating Group for Chapter 23 and the Council for the Implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23. The Council is a special government working body consisting mostly of independent experts, which provides expertise and monitors implementation of the AP 23 concerning the judiciary, anti-corruption efforts and fundamental rights - areas which involve the work of more than 50 different institutions.
The project will improve coordination, monitoring, evaluation and reporting systems under the Chapter 23 areas. It will introduce a unified approach and methodology for reporting about reform activities and establish a structured dialogue and consultative process with CSOs and relevant institutions. The Ministry of Justice will be supported in revising/drafting a new AP for Ch.23. 

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Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13