Farm Structure Survey - FSS


This project will help the Serbian Statistical office to develop efficient and sustainable statistical systems for provision of reliable, objective and accurate data for planning and monitoring of the Serbian transition and reform process.
One of the major sources of agricultural statistics, along with the Agricultural Census, is the Farm Structure Survey (FSS). At the European level, the data obtained through this survey play a key role in design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
The Farm Structure Survey is the backbone of agricultural statistical system, which provides micro-data on agricultural labour force, land use, livestock, equipment, etc. In addition to that, data collected at farm level through the FSS represent the framework for further statistical agricultural surveys and for monitoring structural changes in farms and farming practices.

Detailed information
Farm Structure Survey (Struktura poljoprivrednih gazdinstva):


Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09