EU for Better Environment

The project includes the creation of the national strategy, that is, a program for the protection of the ambience air with the relevant action plan, drafting of eight specific plans for the implementation of the execution of the European directives/regulations (DSIP/RSIP), out of which five are related to the sector for air protection, one to the INSPIRE directive concerning horizontal issues, which is used to organize the national infrastructure of geo-spatial information on the environment, and two specific plans for the implementation of the EU regulations from the area of management of chemicals. The long-term investment and financial plan (MIFP) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection will be improved and updated with the newly identified financial and investment priorities from the areas which are covered by this project.  

The end users of the outcomes of this project are the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Republic Geodetic Authority, and the Negotiation Group 27. The strategy and plan documents which will be prepared within the frames of the project will aid Serbia in the negotiations of joining the European Union, contribute to improving the quality of ambient air and the health of the citizens of Serbia, and establish a unique system of geo-oriented bases and meta-bases information on the environment, which will be available to the citizens of Serbia.

Before approaching the online Questionnaire please read Instructions and Simplified Technical Information for participation in Multi-Criteria Analysis of the three scenarios with additional measures 

The "EU for a Better Environment – Additional development of EU environmental approximation for Air, Chemicals and Horizontal acquis" is financed from the IPA 2014 resources of the EU, which are managed by the Ministry of Finance - Sector for contracting and financing programs from EU funds (CFCU).

Last updated: March 26, 2025, 13:04