EU4SORS Development of a modern statistical system

The Project aims to improve the capacity of the statistical system to provide advanced analytical solutions and further strengthen its role as a key partner in creating policies based on reliable and comprehensive data.

The Project focuses on developing a decision support system with a special focus on workforce information analytics, as well as establishing a statistical population register.

It consists of two components:

1. Decision-making Support System (DMSS)

 1.1. Decision-making Support System at national level (DMSS-NL)

 1.2. Decision-making Support System at local level (DMSS-LL) and

 1.3. Decision-making Support System with specific focus on labour market (DMSS-LMIS)

2. Statistical Population Register (SPR)

This action will contribute not only to improving the statistical production capacity and to ensuring the availability of timely and good quality statistics, but will also support Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) in their efforts to strengthen administrative capacity and develop the coordination function, which is the best guarantee the sustainability of the project results. The specific program should ensure that Serbia's policies are based on data and in accordance with EU standards and directives.

Last updated: March 26, 2025, 13:04