Improving Chapter 27 planning and implementation

The specific outcomes of this contract are as follows:

Outcome 1: Strategic framework expanded and adapted.
The capacities of the Ministry responsible for environmental protection and other institutions within Negotiating Group 27 have been strengthened for analyzing and strategically planning the implementation of EU requirements for selected priority directives, sectors, or cross-sectoral planning documents at all levels of governance – national, regional, and local.
This outcome will be achieved through a transparent and inclusive process of identifying, drafting, and revising the agreed priority planning documents.

Outcome 2: Legal framework completed.
The capacities of the Ministry responsible for environmental protection, as well as other institutions, have been improved for analyzing the requirements of the EU acquis and aligning national legislation.
This outcome will be achieved by assessing the level of alignment (based on the NPAA and monitoring of its implementation) and by providing technical and legal support in drafting priority legal acts (in accordance with the agreement with the coordinating institution of the Negotiating Group for Chapter 27) for the transposition and implementation of the EU acquis in the field of environmental protection.

Outcome 3: Monitoring and reporting system established.

The capacities of the Ministry responsible for environmental protection, as well as other institutions, have been improved for assessing the level of compliance within Chapter 27 and for fulfilling reporting obligations. 

Last updated: March 26, 2025, 13:04