Support to participation in EU programmes

Welcome to E-learning platform

Welcome to E-learning platform

    An E-learning platform has been developed for you with the support of the European Union Delegation in the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of European…

Webinars on EU programmes

Webinars on EU programmes

  Although the crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic also affected the activities of the Support to Participation in EU Programs project a way was…

WEBINARS - Preparation of project proposal

WEBINARS - Preparation of project proposal

    Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the project was forced to give up organizing Training for project preparation and implementation. In the present circumstances, we can…

Great Interest for EU programmes

Great Interest for EU programmes

Info days on EU programmes held in 11 cities of Serbia, organized by the project "Support to Participation in EU Programmes", aroused great interest. More…

Last updated: March 10, 2025, 16:26