Support to the Energy Efficiency Administration

 A four-year program for supporting the operation of the Energy Efficiency Administration under the Ministry of Mining and Energy is supported with 5 million euro grant aiming to improve capacities for managing the energy efficiency fund. Envisaged technical assistance will provide direct support to the EEA employees for faster and efficient management of the national and international funds dedicated toward the renovation of the building stock in Serbia.

With rapidly growing demand from the single and multi-apartment buildings in Serbia, human and technical capacities for management of such applications needs further improvement and more resources. The EU grant will bring additional experts that will deal with the existing and future calls for subventions in buildings’ retrofit, additional investment grant for piloting new measures to support energy efficiency, also for the energy vulnerable households.

The goal of this project is to expand the existing financing mechanism for energy efficiency in Serbia and evolve it into the national energy efficiency fund that will be able to operate multi-annual programs for renovation of the public and private buildings, and attract more finance for spreading the renovation wave across Serbia. It will help establishment of the “one-stop shop” for all citizens interested in improvement of energy efficiency of their homes. At one place, they will be able to learn about the EE, get information on the cost-optimal measures for renovation of the buildings, calculate savings and costs, get ready for obtaining energy certificates for their homes.

The program is in implementation together with EBRD. Support for Operation of the Administration for Financing and Promoting Energy Efficiency (Support for the operation of the Energy Efficiency Fund, 5 million euro EU grant, IPA 2021).

Implementation period: June 2023 - June 2027

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09