Democracy and Human Rights
2Ongoing projects
53Million €Funds
Projects from sector

EU for the support in strengthening the capacities in the fight against human trafficking
What is it about?The twinning project `` EU for the support in strengthening the capacities in the fight against human trafficking`` is entering its second…

Support to Strengthening Migration Management and Asylum System in Serbia
Serbia recognizes the need for further efforts to ensure compatibility with the EU standards. The attainment of results proposed under this project will contribute to…

Key steps toward gender equality in Serbia
On the road to gender equality:We will provide support to the Coordinating body for gender equality which is implementing the National Action Plan for gender…

LSG 4 LAP - Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership
The Project LSG 4 LAP is aimed at providing direct and coherent response to long-standing issues and unresolved housing and economic needs of internally displaced…

Strengthening and Supporting Sustainable Return
The project addresses the priority needs of the IDPs in Serbia through the provision of needed support in the preparation stages of their return process as…

Holistic Action against Torture
Overall objective of the project is the world without torture where perpetrators are brought to justice and torture survivors fully enjoy their human rights.Torture represents…

Human Rights Schools for Youth

Future of Freedom of Information in Serbia (FFIS)

Support to media reforms in the Republic of Serbia
SUPPORT TO RTS AND RTVPublic service media organisations the world over face a number of challenges. One of them is reaching their audiences in a…

National Convention on European Union in Serbia (NCEU)
National Convention on European Union in Serbia (NCEU) is a civil society collaborative network established in 2014 by 17 prominent civil society organisations (CSOs) as…

Development of system for management of Cohesion Policy
The Cohesion policyThe goal of the cohesion policy is securing the support to country members of the EU in the advancement of economic growth, decrease…

EU Support to Roma Inclusion- Strengthening local communities towards Roma inclusion
Strengthening the local communities for the inclusion of the Roma is financed by the European Union, and implemented by the Permanent Conference of Towns and…

Livelihood Enhancement for the Most Vulnerable Roma Families in Belgrade – Phase Two
The second phase of the project “Let’s Build a Home Together” is aimed to provide durable housing solutions for up to 42 Roma families affected…

Youth kitchen laboratory
Youth as the main target groupDirect target group are young people from Serbia (Kikinda and 6 Municipalities of North Banat region) YRoM, Croatia, Kosovo*, Hungary and…

Beyond the chapters: Accession to diversity
Project goalsProject goal is promotion of cultural diversity and participatory democracy, as well as acceptance of migrants and asylum seekers in the local communities in Serbia.ActivitiesThree…

Creative Drive
Project goalThe main objective of the project is introducing the practice of media and informational literacy into the existing systems of primary and secondary education…

Public money for public interest
Project goalsThe Project implies that the Consortium will, together with the chosen representatives of civil society, public officials and other relevant institutions and individuals, work…

Uncertain Past - Timeline 1991-2015 - New national and local digital multimedia archive
Project goalsThe underlying idea of the “Uncertain Past: Timeline 1991-2015” project was to contribute to the increase in the quality of investigative journalism and credibility…

EU support for the sustainable solutions for internally displaced persons and returnees
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE By setting up a Project Monitoring Unit (PMU), the TA project is providing assistance to the EUD and the Beneficiary Institutions in monitoring…