Health protection
5Ongoing projects
516Million €Funds
Projects from sector
Support in strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions within the substances of human origins (SoHO) system
Duration: total Project duration 24 months, start date: 12th of July 2021, indicative end date 11th of July 2023. Sector: Health / EU funded joint…

Reinforcement of Consumer Protection in Serbia as a Response to the New Market Challenges
Twinning project "Further strengthening of consumer protection in Serbia in the new market conditions" is financed by the European Union with a budget of 1.5…

EU Twinning project "Support and Improvement of Occupational Safety and Health and Labour Inspection in the Republic of Serbia
The overall objective of the project is resulting into two specific objectives:1) Labour inspection capacities shall be strengthened by upgrading labour inspectors’ professional competences for the inspection of…

EU for Serbia - Support for safer products
Expected resultsThe overall aim of this project is to contribute to raising competitiveness of the Serbian enterprises and industry by enhancing Quality Infrastructure System and…