Migration Management
11Ongoing projects
116Million €Funds
Projects from sector

Construction of the Border-Crossing Point Kotroman
Border Crossing Point Kotroman is located between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The EU support will result in faster movement of persons and goods at…

Support to the improvement of living conditions of most vulnerable IDPs and returnees
In cooperation with the local and national partners and stakeholders, the project activities enhance IDPs and returnees living conditions and enable their economic empowerment which…

Development of the Schengen Action Plan
What is the Schengen Agreement?The Schengen Agreement was signed on June 14, 1985 in Luxemburg by five EU countries, Тhis treaty led most of the European countries towards abolishment…

LSG 4 LAP - Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership
The Project LSG 4 LAP is aimed at providing direct and coherent response to long-standing issues and unresolved housing and economic needs of internally displaced…

Road Map for Migrants-Guide through the Labyrinth

EU Support for Efficient Border Management
Project goalsThis Project has been designed to deepen and extend the support being provided to the Government of Serbia through the IBM Sector Budget Support…

EU support to border management
Project goalsThe aim of the project is to support border and migration management capabilities of the Republic of Serbia, including systematic border control procedures, countering…

Beyond the chapters: Accession to diversity
Project goalsProject goal is promotion of cultural diversity and participatory democracy, as well as acceptance of migrants and asylum seekers in the local communities in Serbia.ActivitiesThree…