Peace, reconciliation and good neighbourly relations
0Ongoing projects
300Million €Funds
Projects from sector

Support to the improvement of living conditions of most vulnerable IDPs and returnees
In cooperation with the local and national partners and stakeholders, the project activities enhance IDPs and returnees living conditions and enable their economic empowerment which…

LSG 4 LAP - Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership
The Project LSG 4 LAP is aimed at providing direct and coherent response to long-standing issues and unresolved housing and economic needs of internally displaced…

Strengthening and Supporting Sustainable Return
The project addresses the priority needs of the IDPs in Serbia through the provision of needed support in the preparation stages of their return process as…

The main objectives of the project are to support victims of sexual violence while testifying in war crimes trials, strengthen mechanisms and procedures to protect…

Human Rights Schools for Youth

Support to Monitoring of National War Crimes Trials (Phase II)
Project goals and contentThe project will apply close scrutiny to national war crimes trials and assess the output of specialized institutions for war crimes as…

Who started all this? Historians against revisionism
Project goalsThe main goal of this project is to create a space for historical and intercultural dialogue by creating a network of historians, writers, journalists,…