Social Inclusion
1Ongoing projects
92Million €Funds
Projects from sector

Support to the improvement of living conditions of most vulnerable IDPs and returnees
In cooperation with the local and national partners and stakeholders, the project activities enhance IDPs and returnees living conditions and enable their economic empowerment which…

Better living conditions of IDPs and returnees in Zvezdara
The action on one hand aims to contribute to resolving housing needs of the targeted population through provision of building material packages, and on the…

Support to IDPs and returnees in 4 LSG in Central Serbia through provision of durable housing solutions and economic sustainability measures
ASB Serbia, in partnership with the City of Kruševac and the Municipalities of Ub, Ćićevac and Aranđelovac implements the two-year project “Support to IDPs and…

Support to sustainable return of IDPs to Kosovo*
Ø Target Groupsa) At least 90 IDPs supported through different business start-up activities: start-up trainings, Go-and-See visits to enterprises established within the previous project in…

LSG 4 LAP - Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership
The Project LSG 4 LAP is aimed at providing direct and coherent response to long-standing issues and unresolved housing and economic needs of internally displaced…

Establishing Residential and Financial Autonomy of Roma Returnees and IDPs Through Cooperation on the Local Level
The following activities will be implemented within the project:o Opening of a local office in Niska Banja. The main task of the office is to…

Strengthening and Supporting Sustainable Return
The project addresses the priority needs of the IDPs in Serbia through the provision of needed support in the preparation stages of their return process as…

Novi Pazar for better living conditions of IDPs and returnees
The City of Novi Pazar in 2016 developed the new Local Action Plan for improvement of living conditions of these categories, and this Action is…

Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in Employment Policy
What is the project about?The Project will contribute to the implementation of the National Employment Strategy for the period 2011-2020 and the respective annual National…

EU Support to Roma Inclusion- Strengthening local communities towards Roma inclusion
Strengthening the local communities for the inclusion of the Roma is financed by the European Union, and implemented by the Permanent Conference of Towns and…

EU Support to Improvement of Living Conditions of Roma
Project purposeTo assist beneficiaries (Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure; local self-governments; Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue) in preparing all the…

EU for Accessible Public Facilities
Project purpose: Raising the capacity and awareness of target groups and improving their knowledge, skills and sensibility which should lead to a better strategic approach and…

Voice of Communities on the EU
Project goalsThe project envisages that the partners will jointly build the existing advocacy infrastructure with two specific goals in mind:1. building civil society infrastructure at…

European for Active Youth Inclusion
GRANT SCHEMEThe Grant Scheme includes two lots:1. LOT 1: Youth employability, focused on social innovation in youth employability, emphasizing the cross sectoral cooperation in order…

EU support for the sustainable solutions for internally displaced persons and returnees
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE By setting up a Project Monitoring Unit (PMU), the TA project is providing assistance to the EUD and the Beneficiary Institutions in monitoring…